11 Struggles of Being a Deep Thinker in the Modern World

Published by
Anna LeMind, B.A.

Being a deep thinker is a great gift as it allows you to delve into the very essence of things and be more conscious.

Still, in modern society with its materialistic values, this constant inquiry and a profound awareness that accompany being a deep thinker can be quite challenging. Our consumerist society is killing deep thinking and is cultivating ignorance, and it makes sense why. Ignorant people who don’t question themselves and the world are the easiest targets for manipulation and mind control.

This is one of the reasons why deep thinking is not ‘in fashion’ in the modern world. Those of us who have this rare ability to look right into the depth of things often end up lonely, unhappy, and unaccomplished. It’s all because being a deep thinker comes with a number of struggles and drawbacks most people are unaware of.

Here are some struggles that only deep thinkers can relate to:

1. Feeling of detachment

In a world ruled by greed, primitive desires, and material interests, where people’s intellectual, moral and spiritual level is constantly going down, it’s no surprise that deep thinkers often feel like they don’t belong here.

One of the reasons why a deep thinker may struggle with relating to other people is a lack of meaningful communication. With all the ignorance and superficiality today, it’s not easy to find someone to talk about the things that truly matter. This is why deep thinkers often end up alone as they prefer loneliness to forced friendships.

This type of person is unlikely to tolerate shallow relationships and fake friendships. And no need to say that these are incredibly common nowadays. It’s becoming more and more difficult to make friends with genuine and deep people who don’t have hidden motives. Sadly, the consumer mindset has changed much more than just the way we see material objects. It has also altered the way we see each other.

With time, all this may make you feel alien to this society and world. Sometimes, you just can’t understand other people and their actions, which makes you wonder why you are such a misfit and feel like you come from another planet.

2. You have no interest in mainstream culture and popular activities

Similarly to the feeling of detachment, you don’t resonate with the interests and aspirations that are common to the majority of people and don’t enjoy things everyone loves. Those popular TV shows everyone talks about or usual activities like going shopping with your friends and talking about clothes only irritate you.

You often wonder how it’s possible to waste so much time on the things that don’t really matter. In general, you have little or no interest in the mundane and material side of being.

3. You have a profound frustration with modern society

Whether you follow what’s happening in the world or not, the only thing is clear – you are quite pessimistic about the future of humanity. It’s all because you deeply realize that humankind is constantly moving away from the true values and the things that really matter. All this ignorance and superficiality of modern people often make you think that the human race is doomed.

A deep thinker will often reflect on the world’s problems and will tend to take them to heart. No one will disagree that our current society has lots of issues to solve. From wars and social inequality to disrespect towards Mother Nature and other living beings on the planet.

Deep thinkers get genuinely concerned and disappointed with all this injustice, greed, and violence we witness today. And the worst part is that one person can do very little to change the whole world. Thus, all a deep thinker is left with is worrying about the things they cannot influence.

4. Being indecisive and failing to take real actions

Deep thinkers are highly self-aware and reflective. However, no matter how good these traits may be, they have one significant drawback. Those prone to deep thinking have a really hard time when it comes to taking real actions to change their life and the world. These dreamers with theoretical minds prefer to live in their own heads, immersed in their thoughts and visions.

For this reason, turning ideas into a reality, and putting plans into practice can be challenging for them. This indecisiveness and a lack of action often cost deep thinkers success and accomplishment.

It may not be a problem, however, as a deep thinker is rarely interested in becoming a success story. At the same time, when you realize that your life needs a change or you could make a real difference in the world, but you fail to act on it, this brings you deep disappointment with yourself.

5. Overthinking

It makes sense that deep thinking almost always equals overthinking. One of the telltale traits of a deep thinker is the tendency to overanalyze their actions and behavior. They find nonexistent mistakes, failures, and flaws, and blame themselves for those.

The truth is that a deep thinker can often be too hard on themselves. This makes them focus on the negative and worry too much about insignificant things.

Overthinking is another thing that can prevent deep thinkers from believing in themselves and succeeding in life. A person who is too hard on themselves tends to overlook their strengths and talents.

6. Poor social skills and difficulty relating to others

Deep thinking often comes with social incompetence. Social skills are usually an innate quality, even though they can be developed.

Yet, social communication mainly relies on the practical, everyday side of life. And this is something deep thinkers are not really good at as they tend to have highly theoretical minds. This inability to connect with other people easily makes the feeling of detachment even more intense.

At the same time, the tendency to think deep leaves a mark on your perception of other people as well. Being a deep thinker is not only about trying to solve the world’s problems or eternal dilemmas. Many deep thinkers are fascinated with the human psyche and its mysteries. The ability to analyze human nature in depth also affects social situations and day to day interactions with people.

A deep thinker with an analytical mind can easily detect inconsistencies in someone’s behavior which indicate lies, authenticity, and hidden motives. As a result, this ability inevitably leads to disappointment. The more you deal with people and see their true nature, the more alone you feel.

7. Others confuse you for being arrogant/weird/absentminded

For the most part, deep thinkers are introverts who remain immersed in their thoughts most of the day and don’t open up to other people easily.

For this reason, those who don’t know you well may get the wrong impression that you are full of yourself and are acting snobby, avoiding small talks and group activities.

I like deep thinkers. I don’t like to have normal conversations with people. I love learning about what makes them who they are. Their thoughts. Views. Who is important to them. What is important to them. Let me pick your brain.

Some may think you are a weirdo or an absentminded daydreamer who just sits there and has his/her head in the clouds all day long.

8. The necessity to solve everyday problems can be a real challenge

You may have reflected on the questions that most people have never asked themselves and have read more books than anyone around you.

Hours of your life may have passed trying to find answers to meaningful questions and figure out what this existence is all about. You may have remarkable insights and may notice things most people are unaware of. However, solving everyday problems can make you feel completely helpless.

The truth is that deep thinking rarely equals practical thinking. Ask a deep thinker to explain to you the essence of existentialist philosophy for your college paper, and they will. Ask them to help you buy a washing machine for your new home, and they will scratch their head, feeling clueless.

The mundane aspects of being don’t really interest a deep thinker and their practical thinking skills are not that good. So they try to avoid dealing with such issues at any cost.

9. Periods of introspection and causeless sadness

If you are a deep thinker, you are probably familiar with the feeling of sadness you may have from time to time for no obvious reason. It is a sort of existential depression.

Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart. The really great men must, I think, have great sadness on earth.
-Fyodor Dostoevsky, “Crime and Punishment”

In these periods, you are just drawn into yourself, analyzing your life, or reflecting on existential issues. Nothing can really get you out of this state unless the flow of your thoughts comes to some conclusion.

Thinking in depth is directly linked with reflecting on existential questions. A person who has never asked themselves about the meaning of life and everything can’t be really considered a deep thinker.

Is there life after death? Who am I? What is my purpose in this world? Questions like these are certainly interesting to think about. At the same time though, they have no answers. So reflecting on these matters automatically means that you will be chasing the elusive truth for a lifetime and will never reach it.

10. Lack of understanding

When you have that thoughtful expression on your face, even your close ones may assume that something is wrong with you and start worrying about you, asking questions like “Is everything all right?” or “Are you ok?”

The problem is that it’s not always easy to explain the cause of this mood. It may be something as simple as a book with a sad ending or a thought-provoking documentary you recently watched – literally anything can put you in deep thoughts.

11. It can be difficult to get out of your head and return to reality

When you are reading a book or are simply immersed in your thoughts, it’s like if you were traveling to an alternate reality. A real struggle is when you have to come back to the “real” world and return to your job, everyday duties, and activities. This return is always accompanied by a feeling of confusion and even frustration.

Remember those mornings when you are having a beautiful dream and it is suddenly interrupted by the sound of the alarm clock? This is what it feels like when you realize it’s time to get out of your head and come back to real life.

How to Cope as a Deep Thinker in the Modern World?

Are you a deep thinker who struggles with staying connected to reality and those around you? You may want to check my related articles for some guidance:

Can you relate to any of the above-described points? Share your thoughts with us.

P.S. After numerous requests from our readers, we created a community aimed to bring like-minded deep thinkers around the world together. If you are interested, join our Facebook group“Deep Thinkers in the Modern World”.

P.P.S. If you are a deep thinker who feels alien to modern society, check out my new book The Power of Misfits: How to Find Your Place in a World You Don’t Fit In, which is available on Amazon.

View Comments

  • WOW! I think that 85-90% of this describes me. I have a hard time NOT thinking about things and the relevance of one event or person to another. I don't have trouble making small talk or "friends", but it most exchanges certainly leave me empty and searching for more. What resonated most for me was the "looping". I think about things, events and their meanings only to find myself frustrated with never feeling I've "figured it out" or have the answers. It's tough, but it's who I am! Glad to know I'm not alone.

  • I loved this article, it really touched me because I can relate to all of what you mentioned.
    I am so reliefed that I have found this. It made me feel that I at least belong to a group of people in this world.
    I would love to make a group of friends that are deep thinkers like me, at least we can stop feeling lonely together.

  • You know, it is quite scary when someone articulates the complications of your life with such precision. Totally relate to most of what was written, other than "humanity is doomed" part. I am an autistic guy who had to learn how to behave properly around others because people found me; loud, inappropriate, and dumb. I've had to change so much to fit in (which I find cruel and draining) and so I've become a recluse to avoid having to give a shit about others as much and their materialistic and meme obsessions. But I am actually quite content with my life, found a girlfriend (before I became really reclusive) and she loves and accepts me, been together for 5 years, going strong. It took her a while to understand, but she is just as broken as I, just in different ways, we help fix each other and communicate a lot.

  • This article blew my mind. I feel my family and close Circle do not know who I am. I have soerated myself from people beacuse of this. I feel I am a misunderstood person beacuse of my deep thinking . I DO SEE A LOT and wish sometimes I could turn it off. Also, thinking I am snooty or mean or anti social is what I get a lot from people. They are always begging me to go somewhere or do something against my will which makes me uncomfortable ALL the time. Then I am upset with myself because I either know something was coming or saw something about a person and I do not want to be around. There are two people that really know who I am. Most people call what I have a gift. To me I cant even explain it to people what I see when I am with them. I watch every body language, movement and how people operate. I can't even tell most people I am with because they will never understand or think I am judging the person So most of the times I just find a corner , withdraw myself or do not participate and make excuses. Like I didnt feel gold or whatever. The worst part for me is looking at my close family and feel wow they dont even k ow me. I mean they k ow they obvious and what I express. However, most tinea they blow me off or think I'm too much. I want to separate myself from them as well. Even the person I have been with for 23 years.

  • I am glad that I found this post. I agree with almost everything that has been stated here. To add to this, I would like to share something about myself. About five years back, I was diagnosed with a condition called Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). However, I had been suffering from this condition since childhood. Does someone in the group face a similar situation? Do you feel that there could be a connection between ADD and deep thinking? I would like to hear all your views.

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Published by
Anna LeMind, B.A.