Psychology & Mental Health

What the Body Language of the Hands Can Reveal about People

What the Body Language of the Hands Can Reveal about People

Can our hands reveal our deepest secrets? Could I tell what you’re thinking just by watching your hand movements? We’ve…

5 years ago

What Causes Enochlophobia or the Fear of Crowds and How to Cope with It

Do you have an irrational fear of large crowds? If so, you may suffer from Enochlophobia, also known by the…

5 years ago

What Mind Illusions and Magic Tricks Reveal about Human Perception

The way we see and the way we think about things can be changed due to mind illusions. You will…

5 years ago

7 Main Causes of Bullying That Explain Why Children Become Bullies

Bullies aren’t just bad kids or evil people. There are many causes of bullying that might surprise you. I was…

5 years ago

Why Sad Things Make Us Happy, According to Psychology

Sad things, by nature, should make us sad, right? Sad songs, sad movies, sad pieces of art and sad television…

5 years ago

What Is Hostile Attribution Bias and How It Distorts Your Perception of Other People

Let me ask you a question. Here’s a scenario. You see a group of your friends huddled together and laughing.…

5 years ago

What Is Echoism? 7 Signs You Have This Quality and How It Ruins Your Life

Have you ever heard the term “echoism”? Well, this quality can leave you with the lack of a real-life of…

5 years ago

The Lucifer Effect: Why Good People Do Evil Things, According to Psychology

It seems that we can’t turn on the news these days without hearing about another tragic mass shooting or the…

5 years ago

7 Behaviors of the Perfectionist Personality That Are Self-Defeating

Do you know anyone with a perfectionist personality? Well, you might recognize them from their unique behavior. Those who have…

5 years ago

8 Types of Bullies and the Hidden Causes of Their Behavior

The physical scars might fade, but the mental scars caused by bullying can last for decades. If you are a…

5 years ago