Psychology & Mental Health

What Is Emotional Hijacking? How to Recognize It and Deal with It

What Is Emotional Hijacking? How to Recognize It and Deal with It

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed by a situation that your normal reasoning processes are bypassed and you react in…

5 years ago

Feeling Numb? 7 Possible Causes and How to Cope

Wow! How’d you know? I am feeling numb. I go through stages that always seem to lead back to this…

5 years ago

Schadenfreude and the Psychology of This Dark State That We All Experience

Schadenfreude. Morrissey nailed it when he wrote the song “We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful,” and you know…

5 years ago

Survivorship Bias and 4 Examples of How It Can Distort Your Thinking

There are many cognitive biases that influence our decisions and judgements, but have you ever heard of survivorship bias? I…

5 years ago

What Is the Meaning of Water in a Dream? How to Interpret These Dreams

Dreaming of water can have many different meanings, depending on the details and the kind of water involved. Water in…

5 years ago

Do You Feel Disconnected from Reality? How to Stop Dissociation and Reconnect

Do you ever feel disconnected from reality? As if life is passing you by and you are just an observer.…

5 years ago

Study: What Your Spending Habits Reveal about Your Personality

What do you spend your money on? I don’t mean the essentials in life like food, bills and rent. I…

5 years ago

Book Hangover: a State You’ve Experienced but Didn’t Know the Name for

Have you ever finished a book so good it has left you feeling deflated once it’s over? You could be…

5 years ago

3 Neglected Social Anxiety Causes That Could Explain Your Mental Issues

Social anxiety is a common mental disorder in today’s world. According to estimates, around 7% of the US population were…

5 years ago

The Psychology of Fight-or-Flight Response and How to Make It Work for You

Anyone who has suffered from anxiety or panic attacks will undoubtedly have heard of the fight-or-flight response. It’s a rush…

5 years ago