Psychology & Mental Health

What Is Pygmalion Effect and How It Can Bring Positive Results

What Is Pygmalion Effect and How It Can Bring Positive Results

In a position of power, how you treat those below you makes a huge difference, as proved by the Pygmalion…

5 years ago

What Is Emotional Reasoning and 5 Signs You Rely Too Much on It

The danger of emotional reasoning is that our feelings overrule the facts. This can be overwhelming and unhealthy. I call…

5 years ago

The Bandwagon Effect: How It Affects Your Decisions without You Knowing

We all like to think we are completely unbiased when we make decisions, but, actually, there are a number of…

5 years ago

Terror Management Theory and How It Explains Our Beliefs and Behaviors

We all get scared of the fatality of human life, but the Terror Management Theory may be affecting you more…

5 years ago

How to Overcome Inferiority Complex with 7 Methods That Work

Confidence equals good mental health, and that’s why learning to overcome the inferiority complex is so important. Having an inferiority…

5 years ago

What Is the Zeigarnik Effect and How to Use It to Beat Procrastination

If you need a way to stop procrastination, the Zeigarnik Effect may be able to help you. Procrastination is difficult…

5 years ago

What Is Change Blindness & How It Affects You without Your Awareness

I was watching an episode of Air Crash Investigation the other day and investigators stated that the cause of a…

5 years ago

What Is Primacy Effect and How It Messes with Your Memory & Perception

Ever wondered why you remember some things and other things are quickly forgotten? Well, this could be due to the…

5 years ago

Karl Marx’s Conflict Theory and What It Reveals about Today’s Society

Brexit has caused deep divisions in households in the UK. In France, the ‘gilets jaunes’ are threatening to bring the…

5 years ago

4 Signs of Overconfidence Bias and How It Affects You Judgement

Overconfidence bias is something we are all guilty of and we may not even realize how much it affects our…

5 years ago