A healthy mind in a healthy body: mental health problems and solutions, scientific findings, and interesting facts on psychology and mental health. Incredible hypotheses about the human conscious and subconscious mind.

The Backfire Effect: Why Is It So Difficult for Us to Change Our Minds?

We all suffer from biases in our own thinking, but the backfire effect is one of the most counterintuitive. What Is the Backfire Effect? Most of us tend to question our beliefs when we find evidence which doesn’t agree with them. The natural response to differing information is to adjust…

6 Signs of a Narcissistic Coworker and What to Do If You Have One

Working is hard enough, but do you know what’s worse than that? It’s extremely difficult when you have a narcissistic coworker. There are various work environments, some more taxing than others. I remember working in a factory around many negative situations. Honestly, it was a nightmare. The same can be…

Sadistic Tendencies Are Pretty Common – How to Spot Them in People You Know

We’ve all heard about psychopaths, serial killers and sociopaths. Those of us who are interested in deviant behaviour know what makes up the Dark Triad. And we could probably reel off more than a few character traits from Hare’s Checklist of Psychopathy. But what about sadism? Where does that rank…

The Rosenhan Experiment That Shattered the Boundaries of Sanity

In 1973, David Rosenhan published a psychological paper titled “On Being Sane in Insane Places”. This study became known famously as the Rosenhan Experiment. He wanted to discover whether medical professionals could really tell the difference between the sane and the insane. His research sent shockwaves through the psychiatry community…

5 Steps to Psychological First Aid You Can Use in Difficult Situations

We have first responders for physical traumas or difficulties. Here's a secret: psychological first aid is also important during hard times. When trauma occurs, you hear the sirens. The ambulance, police and first responders are on the way. As humans, it’s our duty to try and help those who are…

Why Do Some Drunk People Show a Personality Change, According to Science?

The morning after the night before a session of heavy drinking can leave you with not just a sore head but the paranoia of how you behaved under the influence of one too many cocktails. However, research is increasingly pointing towards the conclusion that, for many of us, alcohol does…

What Do Dreams about Sharks Mean? Scenarios & Interpretations

Sharks. Denizens of the deep. Fearsome predators. Sharks have a negative association in real life. Just two bars of music from Jaws conjures up the image of that terrifying mouth of razor-sharp teeth rising from the ocean. So what do dreams about sharks mean? Does the presence of a shark…