A healthy mind in a healthy body: mental health problems and solutions, scientific findings, and interesting facts on psychology and mental health. Incredible hypotheses about the human conscious and subconscious mind.

The Psychology of Obedience: Why Do Some People Obey While Others Don’t?

Law and order keep us safe and under control. For the most part, we can all get along with that. So, what is it in our psychology that makes some people content with obedience, while others shun the whole idea? Obedience and obeying the rules seem like second nature to most…

Wim Hoff Breathing Method or How to Control Your Body’s Responses

Can the simple act of breathing actually have some incredibly powerful benefits you never knew of? If the Wim Hoff breathing method is something you haven't heard of before, you're about to learn all about it. Most people are familiar with certain breathing techniques, especially with yoga and meditation. Wim…

How to Overcome Mental Blocks with These 3 Science-Backed Strategies

Mental blocks are stressful and sometimes painful things to experience and quite hard to overcome. When you have a mental block, your own brain is preventing the recall of memories or your ability to understand something. Remember your school days. Did you ever feel like no matter how many times…

What Is Cyberchondria and How Not to Fall for It as an Anxious Person

Many people are familiar with Hypochondriacs, but few are aware of the Cyberchondriacs. Both problems can greatly disrupt your life. To understand Cyberchondria, you must first know about hypochondria. For those few of you aren’t familiar with the hypochondriac, I can quickly explain. Before the internet came along, we relied…

6 Types of Loneliness and Different Causes of This Universal Feeling

Loneliness is something we’re all familiar with. It’s almost a compulsory part of the human experience. But, did you know that there are many different types and causes of loneliness? Loneliness isn’t just one blanket feeling, it can be brought on by all sorts of experiences, not just from being…