A healthy mind in a healthy body: mental health problems and solutions, scientific findings, and interesting facts on psychology and mental health. Incredible hypotheses about the human conscious and subconscious mind.

Ennui: an Emotional State You’ve Experienced but Didn’t Know the Name for

Ennui (pronounced on-we) is a word we’ve stolen from the French language and literally translates to “Boredom” in English. While the translation is quite simple though, the meaning we’ve given it is much more complex. It describes a much deeper feeling than that of being bored. Moreover, you’ve probably felt…

4 Ways Female Psychopaths Differ from Male Psychopaths, According to Studies

When it comes to psychopaths, we tend to focus our attention on men. I mean, off the top of my head I can think of many male psychopaths. For example, there’s Ted Bundy, BTK, Jeffery Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, Dennis Nielsen, and Richard Ramirez to name a few. But what…

Social Media and Self-Esteem: How Our Online Behavior Affects Our Self-Image

In today's modern age, the average person spends around 2 hours a day on social media. They are constantly in contact with their online persona, trying to manufacture the best image of themselves possible. As a result, our behavior on social media almost inevitably affects our self-esteem. Social Media and…

How to Deal with Seasonal Depression with the Help of Spirituality

Learning how to deal with seasonal depression has been an ongoing experience, filled with many ways of coping in the darkest times. There are so many books about dealing with depression and anxiety, including seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or seasonal depression. And it makes sense why. I mean, haven’t you…

Male Suicide Rates in Today’s Society and the Shocking Reality They Reveal

The shocking reality of male suicide rates reveals a growing silent epidemic on a global scale. According to the World Health Organization (WHO 2016), there were an estimated 793,000 suicide deaths worldwide. Over 60% of these were men. The Rise of Male Suicide Rates in Western Society In the UK,…

How to Not Take Things Personally When You Are a Sensitive Person

Whether you’re easily offended or not, you have to learn how to not take things personally. Just let some things go. Dealing with criticism and negative feedback is no easy task for some people. While one person may brush off less than attractive comments, others may dwell on words for…

3 Signs You Are Jumping to Conclusions Too Quickly and How to Stop

The phrase ‘jumping to conclusions’ is a familiar one, but have you ever stopped to think how much this process is effecting your mental health? In fact, this mindset is a huge factor in facilitating social anxiety and delusional disorders and can have detrimental effects not only on your mental…

6 Signs of Low Emotional Intelligence and How It Distorts Your Perception & Behavior

High emotional intelligence is increasingly being linked to overall life success. Rather than the standard cognitive intelligence (IQ) test, research suggests that emotional intelligence (or ‘EQ’) is more important in determining an individual’s success when it comes to work, relationships and general well-being. On the flip side, low emotional intelligence…