A healthy mind in a healthy body: mental health problems and solutions, scientific findings, and interesting facts on psychology and mental health. Incredible hypotheses about the human conscious and subconscious mind.

Post-Vacation Depression Is Real: How to Recognize and Overcome It

There are many reasons to feel depressed, and one of the worst types of depression during this season is post-vacation depression. The excitement associated with going on vacation can be overwhelming. Unfortunately, so can the feeling of post-vacation depression. Although you really should be basking in the memories of your…

Summer Depression: 6 Signs You Suffer from It and How to Cope

Seasonal depression isn’t just about suffering in the wintertime. Summer depression is also a problem and can be just as debilitating. Seasonal depression disorder is known as the almost paralyzing feeling of depression which generally attacks during the fall/winter months. I know this condition well and struggle horribly just to…

Social Media Psychology Can Reveal Intriguing Things about Your Personality

Do you use social media? If so, what kind of things do you post? Pictures of your dinner, political statements, selfies, relationship updates? The majority of us use social media, whether it’s to talk about our kids, raise awareness for a cause or declare our undying love for our partner.…

The Schizoid Personality and the People Who Don’t Want to Fit in

If you are familiar with psychology, then you may have heard the term ‘schizoid personality disorder’. It is a type of personality disorder in which the individual has a consistent pattern of emotional flatness and detachment from social relationships. In fact, it is included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual…