Do You Belong to One of the 5 Indigo Generations?

Published by
Anna LeMind, B.A.

There are many reasons why you may feel unique. Could you or someone you know be part of the Indigo generations?

The following article will answer some of the questions you may have about indigo children and will help you find the “miracle children” in your close circle. One of the New Age theorists is Ms. Nancy Ann Tappe, who worked on the Indigo generations in an almost scientific manner and divided them into five categories according to the date of birth of these children.

Here are the five Indigo generations, according to Tappe:

Alpha Generation

The first generation, which was called Alpha, includes children born in the period between 1958 and 1968. According to Tappe, the period of the awakening of the Alpha generation was from 1986 until 1996. Their aura was seen as dark blue and green with purple shades.

The aura was also under the influence of the metallic beige hue, protecting them from external attacks and excessively early showing of indigo potential. Since early childhood, the Alpha had a feeling of being different, as if they did not belong to their home, country, or parents. The reasons for these differences were always vague and never provided a satisfactory explanation.

Beta Generation

They are people born in the period between 1968 and 1978. The period of their awakening coincides, roughly, with the period between 1996 and 2006. The colors of their aura are blue – green – purple, but no longer the color of the metal shield.

A typical feature of both generations, Alpha and Beta, is that they look much younger than they actually are, Tappe says.

Gamma Generation

The Gamma is the third generation of Indigo children, born between 1978 and 1988. The period of the intellectual awakening of these children coincides with the period between 2006 and 2016. This is the first generation with the minimum protective shield. It is usually purple with markings of ocher or a crystal color.

Delta Generation

These children are born between 1988 and 1998. One of the characteristics of the fourth generation is the pure indigo color of the aura. The period of maturation and spiritual awakening of the delta generation coincides with the period from 2016 until 2026.

This generation is too sensitive and needs plenty of help. These people are overactive and quite extroverted. They like to show the world who they really are and often do this with great self-confidence. In their environment, they want blue and purple colors and enjoy slow music. They avoid crowded places and anything that causes nervousness.

The Delta generation usually has difficult teenage years. Many of these kids think that something is wrong with them, they may dabble with drugs or have suicidal tendencies. The best remedy for them is Nature.

Omega Generation

Children born between 1998 and 2008 belong to the so-called Omega indigo generation. Supposedly this is the last “pure” indigo generation. According to Tappe, this generation will experience the “Dark Night of the Soulfrom 2026 until 2036.

Children born in the Delta and Omega period, are also called Crystal Children because of a particularly bright, crystal color in their aura.

These children are particularly vulnerable to various dermatology problems, allergies, and diseases (especially to those of the upper respiratory tract due to high environmental pollution). Also, a large proportion of them are characterized as autistic or suffers from Asperger syndrome. Tappe claims that autism in children is a way of self-protection from the attack and neurosis of the outside world.

The Awakening of Indigo

For each of the indigo generations, the process of awakening begins around the age of 28-29 years and lasts about 7.5 years. The “Dark Night of the Soul” is a period that can be particularly difficult because it is the final return of an indigo person to their mission in this life. This period is full of different problems and various difficult challenges.

In the mature age (37 – 39), the recovery of psychic abilities begins, Tappe claims. Until then, this person had enough time to finally learn to trust their psychic powers without being startled or trying to share their experiences with others.

Tappe claims that these internal experiences may include: having a clear insight, direction, and possible internal communication with the spirit world; the ability to read thoughts, feelings, and intentions of others; understanding the parallel levels of reality; a true insight into the nature of time.

While there is no evidence to support the claim that Indigo children are real, many people believe that they are. So let’s keep our mind open, shall we? If you are a spiritual person, maybe believing that you are an indigo child or adult could help you realize your potential. You may not have realized the awakening as it was happening. Maybe you just know someone who is part of the Indigo generations.

Whatever the case, this may be the real reason you or someone you love feels different. After all, the indigos are said to possess unique qualities, so maybe it’s just a metaphor for being a gifted, sensitive, and highly creative individual.

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  • I tend to disagree with the age of when an awakening might find place.

    Beta Indigo who had several mind opening experiences at the age of 19. When I also received a signpost for my purpose and task.
    The time after that has been a roller coaster ride. With a small narrator inside of me repeating what my ex. fiance once said: "Everything is just a story, to you, isn't it?
    Now, I realize that all my travels and hardships has been different pieces of a puzzle. And it all had a purpose. That there is no such thing as a coincidences.
    Now, I seem to be getting a 2nd awakening...

    Replacing old systems and mindsets seem to be my focus these days. .

    • Hiya I'm a delta indigo child and I've had lil bits of my awakening at the same age but now I'm 23 and my awakening a lot more mind opening experiences aswell Feeling a lot more fully aware of environment
      I am at times waiting for something or longing for home sometimes as I look at the sky I feel that I have a higher purpose but I don't know what is yet when did you know your purpose
      I do feel at times my purposes is to help others or teach them new ways but I am not sure
      You seem to know to know your stuff and I understand yourself more aswell understanding your purpose please could you give me advice
      Thank you

  • I was born 1983 but from the description it rather fits the last wave of indigos. May there be the possibility that an early indigo can transform into a crystal child ? I was much more rebellious when I was younger. Now I am softer and more sensitive. I am still young but my awakening was when I was 25 even though I had medial abilities when I was a child I knew that I was different and I even thought I was adopted. If someone can answer my question I would be really happy about it.

    • The rules are written by us - '93 here, tidbits of awakening but now at 25 I'm awakening properly too.

      I would say I'm in the last group too, even though I'm out by 5 years.

  • I'm an Alpha. I began my awakening way before the age mentioned. I fought the purpose & found signposts all along my life journey. I've been helping younger (& same) generations understand what it means to be Indigo for quite a while. I have an Indigo son and he has been comfortable in his "Indigo-ness" for many years.
    Having a home that understood the feelings of an Indigo helps so much.
    To each one of you reading my comment, I thank you. Know you're not alone. The feelings as awakening occurs are "normal" for us. Find your purpose, your talents & develop them for the good.

  • I'm an alpha Scorpio, with a cancer moon, and the life-quote I came up with for myself at age 51, after years of my intellect battling it out with my highly intuitive, and empathic, introverted self, is this... "I don't know how I know, I just do."
    Now, I'm not sure about the dates, or even the 5 generations, but I do know this; If you are an indigo empath of any kind, you've been called to task, and the universe, or God, if you prefer, has been preparing you your whole life and making sure you have "tough" skin, by way of numerous false accusations, betrayals by those whom you've truly loved, you've been ostracized, regardless of your true genuine kindness and desire to bring healing in every aspect of the word. You've been cast out, set aside, minimized, and marginalized, and still cannot find it in you to hold a grudge or even stay angry for any considerable amount of time. If asked what you hate, unilaterally the answer is the same; "Injustice" of any kind.
    All of this has been in preparation of the war that's soon to come, as the dark forces of the universe have covertly made their way over the centuries to places of governmental power, and these demoniacs, who go by the monikers such as sociopath, narcissist, psychopath, and a few others, who unjustly set innocent ones, brothers and sisters of ours at an early age, into abusive situations, to sear their consceince, and destroy their empathic ability, while retraining their powerful minds to perpetuate heinous spiritual crimes against their own kin. The war of eternity is now in its infancy, and lines are being drawn, and at this point it's already been decided which side of these lines each is situated, and we now wait with bated breath for the final horn to blow, signifying the beginning and ultimately the end of either darkness, or in the minds of the sinister, the end of light. So, children of the light, remember the love you knew as a child and put away the pettiness set in place to hold you to a material and/or prideful stance and stature, or you will find too late, you're on the wrong side of the lines that have been drawn.

  • You say the first indigo's were born in 1958. This is incorrect. I am an indigo and was born in 1955. I knew as a child but then life took over. I was in my late 40s before I awoke and remembered who I am and why I came here. I won't go into detail as it would take too long here but please know we were here before 1958

    • I was born in 1953 and am certain to be an indigo but now awakened fully until my 50's to know why I came here. I have read that some arrived as early as 1951, but as you said, it would take to long to go into finite detail. But let it be known, indigo's were definiety here before 1958 as you mention Alison

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Published by
Anna LeMind, B.A.